Tuesday, February 19, 2008

One More Photo!


Here is a photo with of my friend who gave me the nick name of Gangster Boo with her son. They are so CUTE!


Weekend Fun!

Well this weekend I had a chance to see two films: Jumpers: http://http://www.jumperthemovie.com/ and http://http://www.welcomehomeroscoejenkins.com/ both wetr oksy, but if I had to pick one that I really enjoyed it would be the Roscoe Film with Martin Lawerence. This film show Martin as the Martin that we remember in the early days. The main actor in Jumpers: Hayden Christensen was very hot and he made the movie. Samuel Jackson's role was very small, but he played a good bad guy.

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Day After V-DAY!

Ok, ok so I did not get my boyfriend nothing for Valentine's Day! I felt really bad because we have been together for four years and every year I get him something really cool, but this year I just gave hime a "little" card. I think it has been traveling all weekend and then running around at work, made me not realize that I needed to go shopping. An to top it off, he gave me a gift card to my favorite spa and a bunch of DVDs that I wanted! So I felt so bad that I went out this morning and picked him a few things....I don't know sometimes I think that V-Day is overated because, every day that I am with him should be V-Day because there are so many things that we do for each other. Like loaning him gas money or vice versa, that should count for something. Well, I just hope that I stay on the good side after giving him this gift this weekend. I will keep it posted.

Once Crazy Week!

Hey Everyone! This has been one crazy week. I just got back from Florida atteninding my mom's foundation's Prayer & African Fashion Show. The event was a success! I am so glad that it is over, and now I am working on the next event, which is a Youth arts Expo. There is never a dull moment for me!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Busy Week!

Wow! This week has been so busy that I have not had time to blog. Ok, let's see:

Production Stuff:
In case you don't know I have my own Film Production Company and we are in the process of shooting a feature, but we are only shooting the first ten pages. We finally got all of our money in order so we are going to hire a UPM to do the budget. I had to interview several, and I finally have the one that we are going with.  He seems to know his stuff!  Thank God! He is looking for work and the WGA Strike is not hurting him.  

I am also producing a reality pilot for my friend's production company.  Which we are in the process of doing the pre-production work because the shoot is the last Friday of this month.

I also had a major meeting with a certain horror writer's agent about him helping to write a project that I want to produce.  His agent told me that he will not negotiate any deals until the WGA Strike is over....(Hopefully that will happen this weekend).....

Other News:
I am on my way to Florida this morning to attend my mom's foundation Fundraiser event! This is the first time, that I get to just fly in to the event because everything has been done by the Office Coordinator of the Foundation! I will make sure to add photos from the event, when I get back..... 

I think that is all for now, but I will post more information later...... Everyone have a great weekend!