You know I really wanted to be a person that blogged all the time, but I have not been able to do that since I have so BUSY! I am back. Here is an update:
Work: At work I am getting ready for our Film Festival. I have to admit that after doing this for five years I now have the hang of it. This year we will be screening the film Juno, which I hear is a must see for everyone. I have never seen so many people excited about the showing of one film. The next day is just Q&A with guest from the entertainment industry. Hopefully that should be great.
Production: I am interviewing interns this week to work on our doc project, the MLY project and the curvy tv show,We have gotten a ton of resumes, and some of the people are very nice and of course you always get a bunch of PSYCHO people. We are in the final phase of getting the rights for our film, so once I have them, I promise to post more about the project.
Foundation: I tried to recruit some summer interns, but I have had no luck with that. I was going to hire a college student to help work in the office, but that idea also failed, so right now I am going to have to continue with the people that we have, and I hope and pray that we will get some volunteers to help us. I am also going to try and recruit some women off of Myspace to help us with our Mommy and me project.
So in a nut shell that is what has been going on. I have been so busy, that I have not even had time to go to the movies (sad), but I will try to make it there this weekend, and give everyone an update!
FYI: The cartoon that you are laughing at was found on http://www.normandcompany.com/