Ok, so I have been missing! So much has been going on, let me try to give an update:
Foundation: So we had a break-in, and that was major drama! Who would have ever thought that a lock smith would be almost $400.00. Due to the fact the keys were left in the house, I had to change all the locks and that cost me about $300.00..I am so in the wrong profession. We are getting ready for our Youth Art sExpo, which I wanted to cancel because my money is so funny, that it keeps me laughing. But because I know that a lot of the guest that are coming are really excited about it so we will keep it going. I think after this event, I feel like taking a break. Even with the invisable person helping me, there seems like there is way too MUCH work for me to do, so we may not do the talent show in August. I am now about to get a housesitter, but I am reluctant about getting someone I don't know. I am trying to find the right person, so that has been a journey.
Surgery: Thanks to my pain in the ass, insurance company I now have to complete two months of weight loss counseling to show that I am trying ot get rid of the weight, I so don't want to be FAT, at my next birthday, so I think thatI am going to hit the gym as well. Just so that I can make sure thaat I am getting rid of the weight. If I don't get rid of it then I think that I might become a depress FAT cow. The film festival was a hit! And some of the actors that we had there were very nice! I also made a lot of new friends..Details to come! If anyone can tell me about a good attorney who works on probate that would be good. My attorney that I have now, is a total A__! Why is it that they never return telephone calls, after all the money that you spend in retainer fees.
Well, that is it for now, I promise to write more this entire week....