Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Indian Jones!

What a BAD Movie! I guess I wanted to see the old Indian, without the space ship, but this one had a modern twist to it, that I did not enjoy.

The film was not that bad -- there are some “wow” moments, and a couple of good acting performances by Harrison Ford and Karen Allen-- but the unprecedented mixture of comedy and entertainment that made the other films AWESOME, was not in this movie, and actor Shia LaBeouf was very “luke warm,” in this film. I thought that he did a better job in Disturbia.

It Has Bee A While!

Hey! I am so sorry that I have been SO BUSY! That I have not had time to Blog! But I am, back! Where should I start? I will tell you a little about the Youth Expo that my mom's foundation had. It was a great event. There were lots of people from the entertainment industry who were able to share the job skills with the youth of the community. One guy even agreed to come back and screen his film with the youth. I was also able to get lots of people within in the community and out to donate items. Publix even donated items for our breakfast and some of the prizes. I will post photos up a little later.

House Sitter Wanted!
Since the break in at my mom’s house I have decided to get an house sitter. What a task. I did not know that I had to do back ground checks, talk to references, and after all that; try to find someone that I can trust to watch the house. What an experience. I thought that I had a young lady who seemed to be so interested because she kept tracking me down, but the day before we were to meet, she decided to keep her job in Washington, DC. So much for that! I have had several friends who wanted to do it, but I don’t know if I want to be in the way of screwing up a friendship because a person does not know how to watch your house. So at the last minute I went with my friend’s neice, but I am not sure how long that is going to be because she is charging me to do it! Can you believe that? It is not that I don’t want to pay, her because I really need her, but I am not sure if I can pay her for an entire year! With the high prices of gas, no one is sure of anything! I notice that a lot of people house sit, and they pay all of your utilities bills, but at this time I could not be choosey, I hope that I am able to find someone who wants to do it the whole entire year. While I was home I did a DVD to show people what the house looks like, so I hope that I can get a lot of responses. I wonder if other people ever have to make the decision of selling their parent’s home, especially if they are an only child???????? Somedays I just want to be over the house, and other days I just want to keep it, WHAT A HARD DECISION TO MAKE! This week I am thinking about renting it out, but I don’t feel like taking out the furniture…..DECISIONS, DECISIONS!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Wow! I have been so busy that I have not had time to work on this blog! But I am back starting on Monday I will give an update of what is going on! Have a great weekend!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Where Have I Been????????

Ok, so I have been missing! So much has been going on, let me try to give an update:

Foundation: So we had a break-in, and that was major drama! Who would have ever thought that a lock smith would be almost $400.00. Due to the fact the keys were left in the house, I had to change all the locks and that cost me about $300.00..I am so in the wrong profession. We are getting ready for our Youth Art sExpo, which I wanted to cancel because my money is so funny, that it keeps me laughing. But because I know that a lot of the guest that are coming are really excited about it so we will keep it going. I think after this event, I feel like taking a break. Even with the invisable person helping me, there seems like there is way too MUCH work for me to do, so we may not do the talent show in August. I am now about to get a housesitter, but I am reluctant about getting someone I don't know. I am trying to find the right person, so that has been a journey.

Surgery: Thanks to my pain in the ass, insurance company I now have to complete two months of weight loss counseling to show that I am trying ot get rid of the weight, I so don't want to be FAT, at my next birthday, so I think thatI am going to hit the gym as well. Just so that I can make sure thaat I am getting rid of the weight. If I don't get rid of it then I think that I might become a depress FAT cow. The film festival was a hit! And some of the actors that we had there were very nice! I also made a lot of new friends..Details to come! If anyone can tell me about a good attorney who works on probate that would be good. My attorney that I have now, is a total A__! Why is it that they never return telephone calls, after all the money that you spend in retainer fees.

Well, that is it for now, I promise to write more this entire week....