I hate when this happens; you start something, but you are not able to work on it as much as you like, and that is what is going on with my blog. I really have to get back on track, and make sure to do more updates. Today I am looking for a power chord for my laptop. Who would have ever thought that it would take this long, to find one, I should just go to Apple and pay the $100.00 o buy one, but I am so cheap that I don’t want to do that or should I say that I am frugal shopper… Well, here are some updates that are going on:
Since my last post I have finished my house sitting DVD, and I have sent some out to see if I can get any responses from the a house sitter. I hope so. The current person I have there is really great, but I am not sure I can afford her for the duration of six months, when there are some people that do this as a job, and they pay all of their utilities. I really need someone that wants to do it for free!
I have decided to take a break from my mom’s foundation for the summer months. I really need to revamp it and bring in people who want to share my dream with me. With trying to make a decision if I should keep the house, or sell/rent it, I just need sometime to get my thoughts and things together! And you know what that is the smartest decision that I made! I am going to schedule a board meeting on Saturday when I get to Florida to go over next year’s event, fundraiser with the board members. I am also looking forward to that. I hated to cancel the annual community talent show, but maybe we will be able to bring it back in September, I just need a break right now because I have so many decisions to make.
Production:SCHOOL IS OUT FOR SUMMER! That is the best news I have had all day. This summer I am going to work on two projects at the same time. I am going to prep and try to get funding for the documentary, help put the On The Plus Side Show together, and get some of the casting done for MLT. Don’t you hate it when:::::::::: People call you with an idea, but the words “FOLLOW THROUGH,” does not mean anything to them? Well, that is what I am dealing with, with two projects..I will give details later about that. I hope to get to the movies to see The Hulk..More details to follow!~