Today was an interesting day. As I sat at a very, very boring In-service, a colleague of mine said something interesting. She said, “This workshop is so boring, and as a teacher who’s time is very valuable, I don’t appreciate them making me go to a boring workshop.” I then thought she is right. Time is so valuable and if you are a teacher you budget and plan every little detail in your life to make sure that you get everything done in one day, but I am finding out that sometimes you can’t do that. No matter how much you want to grade papers or go out with friends, sometimes, you really have to prioritize and put things in order of importance; that is what I am finding out. So many times I get upset with myself because I can’t seem to get everything done, and even though everything is at such high priority, I really have to understand that I can only get so much done a day. I think what I should do, is try to get most of the important stuff that I have to get done for me, should be done in the morning and everything else that is not that important should be done through out the school day. So I am going to try and grade papers while my students are independently working and I am going to try and write lesson plans, at that time as well. Everything else will get done during my planning period and before/afterschool, and what I don’t get done, I am not going to worry about it.