Sunday, November 23, 2008

Eating Healthy!

As most of you know I recently had Lap Band surgery. I have lost a total of 35 pounds, and I hope to get rid of 15 more pounds before I see my Doctor again before the Christmas Holiday.

Last weekend I was so happy because I found a store that sells Lo-Carbs, that is right here in LA. It is called Lo Carb-U Foods. I would have never guessed that they had a store like that right here in my neighborhood.

I went to buy the following items: The elite uno pizzas... the choclic brownies... the Jalapeno Hummus... I really like this store... I could spend a few hours here. The only problem is that low-carb food is expensive, and I have to make sure that I don’t go over my budget. Still, it's great to get all your low-carb stuff locally, and not online.

Workout Week Schedule Coming!

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