Friday, October 31, 2008

Photos from Cali Birthday Party!

2nd Party


This year I was so lucky! I got to have two parties. One in Miami and the other in Clalifornia. Here are some of the photos from the one in California. Both cakes were the BOMB! Wow! Does anyone say that word anymore? More details about the party to come!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Photos From Party

Happy Birthday To Me!

Wow! I can’t believe that I am about to turn forty! This weekend, I went to Florida to host my mom’s foundation fundraiser, and while I was there, I had a small birthday party with friends. Here are some of the photos from this event. Everyone that attended had a great time. I got to hang out with a lot of family and friends, and even people who I went to high school with. Everyone kept saying that I have lost the weight even if I don't see it. Right now, I am searching for a cookbook that is for Lapband people. If anyone knows of a good book, please let me know.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Where is the Weight Loss?

Sorry, Sorry that I have not been blogging, but I have been trying to adjust to my lap band. In the beginning I lost a total of twenty pounds, but currently my weight is staying the same, and I am not dropping like I was in the beginning. I know that I am eating better, because I am watching everything that I eat, and I am trying to make sure that I don't drink any coke, or eat any bread. Wow! I can't believe that I have not had coke since September 30, 2008. It has been water and Crystal Light for me. Next week, I am going to start to walk and move around again. Here is a photo of me twenty pounds lighter!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Where is Elisia

Wow! I can't beleive that I have been out of site! As if you did not know, I recenlty had lapband surgery and I had to adjust to so many new things to eat. I am so afraid that I am going to gain the weight back, that I have been eating like a bird. So on Wednesday, I got over finally the liquid portion, and now I am on the pureered portion, which is a lot better than the liquid portion. I lost 20 pounds so far, but I fell like I am gaining them back even though I am eating very lightly. Today, I had a yogurt drink for lunch, a can of tuna with lite mayo, and I will probably have some black beans and cheese for dinner. I kinda feel bad because I am having a hard time watching my drinking. With the lap band you are suppose to not drink 30 mins before an dafter you eat, but I have been feeling so thirsty that I had to drink, I know that is wrong so I really have to watch it. More updates to come.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Where Have I Been??????

Whatz Up!

So I have been missing for a minute!!!! I just had LAP Band Surgery, and I am going to be down for a minute, but I will be back up on Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!