Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What was Will Thinking?

I just saw the worst Will Smith film, since Bad Boys II, which was just a very sad story. The concept of the story is very good: A Super Hero who no one loves, but the story was just something that was RUSHED together, just to have two powerful actors to make a number one movie, during a weekend that was very slow with interesting new releases. For some strange reason the two main characters don’t even make the movie but Jason Bateman and the little kid who plays his son are very funny!

The funny thing about this flick, is that there have been a lot of Super Hero films, but this one does look at it a different way because in the beginning no one likes Hancock, but with the help if Bateman’s character he is able to change that. If you want to do something fun this weekend, don’t go see this. WAIT FOR THE BAT! I am sure that is going to be a WINNER!

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